- News & Reviews
The Social History of English Afternoon Tea

We asked our friend, Gillian Walnes Perry MBE, to put together a special version of her talk on The Social History of English Afternoon Tea, for you to enjoy at home.
This fascinating and mouth watering illustrated talk covers how tea drinking was first introduced into England, how it was popularised and how afternoon tea became a social institution.
Using vibrant on screen displays, it will include the introduction of delicious tea menu items; the customs and etiquette surrounding afternoon tea; examples of the finest silver and porcelain tea ware; the surprisingly risqué connotation of afternoon tea gowns; the rise of public tea rooms and tea dances; the ancient symbolism of birthday celebrations and the current nostalgic popularity of vintage afternoon teas.
Gillian Walnes Perry MBE, is a writer, speaker and lecturer, recently retired from her full time role as Co Founder and Executive Director of the Anne Frank Trust UK, while remaining its Honorary Vice President. She has many years' experience of speaking and broadcasting in the UK and around the world.
Sit back with a cup of tea and enjoy an informative 45 minutes.